DESCRIPTION: ADAM cream is recommended for a local use by men with lowered ability to copulate because of organic or psyhogenic sexual disorders and aging.
Gently applied on the penis head it causes sexual excitement resulting in local dilatation of the blood vessels, warming, resp. exerts a reflectory sexual action on the spinal cord.
Libido and penis erection are dramatically increased.

APPLICATION: a small quantity (1-2 centimeter) of the cream is gently applied on the penis head once or twice daily for 10-15 days as well as 5 min before sexual intercourse.
If necessary ADAM should be applied at certain intervals for a longer time or prior to sexual intercourse.

PACKAGING: consumer unit 18 grams in tubes;
300 tubes/cardboard-box;
dimensions: 250 x 380 x 300 mm; gross weight: 8,750 kg;

SAMPLES: Available on request
To order safe on-line click here

Large quantity discounts: CALL

Side effects are NOT observed.

E V E 

DESCRIPTION: EVE cream is recommended for a local use by women, who never or rarely come to orgasmus at sexual intercourse. Applied on the labias and the clitoris it exerts slight excitement and provokes local hypermia; warming, and reflection sexual action on the spinal cord.

APPLICATION: a small quantity of the cream is gently applied on the labias and reflection sexual action on the spinal cord once or twice daily for 10-15 days as well as 5 min before sexual intercourse.

PACKAGING: consumer unit 18 grams in tubes;
300 tubes/cardboard-box;
dimensions: 250 x 380 x 300 mm; gross weight: 8,750 kg;

SAMPLES: Available on request
To order safe on-line click here

Large quantity discounts: CALL

Side effects are NOT observed.

L O N G   T I M E

DESCRIPTION: LONG TIME is used when a strong sexual excitement occures to prevent the premature ejaculation. Because of the local anaesthetic action LONG TIME extends the time of the sexual intercourse, delays the ejaculation and harmonises the partners mutual sexual satisfaction.

APPLICATION: 3 min before sexual intercourse a 1-2 centimeter layer of the cream is applied on the penis head.

PACKAGING: consumer unit 18 grams in tubes;
300 tubes/cardboard-box;
dimensions: 250 x 380 x 300 mm; gross weight: 8,750 kg;

SAMPLES: Available on request
To order safe on-line click here

Large quantity discounts: CALL

Side effects are NOT observed.



The biostimulating drink MUMIYO contains as its active component Mumiyo standardized by chemical and biological methods.

Mumiyo is a mineral organic substance of natural origin and with a complex, multi-component composition. From time immemorial it is used as a remedy in folk medicine of the people from the East. It is known as a "miraculous balsam", "mountain blood" etc. There are many folktales of its origin and curative properties.

In the last three decades Mumiyo was subject to extensive studies and experiments. Today it is well known that Mumiyo contains about 26 chemical elements, 10 different metal oxides, 6 amino acids, all group B vitamins, essential oils, bees-venom, resin-like agents etc.

In this complex of bioactive properties of particular importance is the natural combination of micro- and macroelements which participate actively in many biochemical and physiological processes in the body. They activate the ferment system interact with vitamins and hormones, have an effect on the nervous humoral mechanisms and the protective immune reaction of the organism.

It has been established that the Mumiyo enhances the synthesis of nucleic acids, takes an active part in the energetic balance of the body by exerting an effect on the metabolism of hydrocarbons, lipids and in particular of macroenergic, phosphorous compounds (ATP, ADP, AMP).

Numerous studies have proven that Mumiyo is a bio-stimulant of non-specific action.

The biostimulating drink Mumiyo improves the metabolism, activates the immune system, regulates the mineral balance and has a general stimulating and strengthening effect on the organism.

It is recommended in case of mental and physical strain, in the reconvalescence period after severe diseases as an agent to increase the compensatory possibilities of the body and to stimulate its resistance to various unfavourable effects.

Mumiyo takes off the feeling of strain and fatigue.

The biostimulating drink Mumiyo has a pleasent taste and flavour.

USAGE: a bag of Mumiyo is disolved in 50 ml cold water. 1-2 times daily.

PACKAGING: consumer unit 10 grams in sachets;
10 sach/box
100 boxes/cardboard-box;
dimensions: 250 x 380 x 300 mm; gross weight: 8,750 kg;

SAMPLES: Available on request
To order safe on-line click here

Large quantity discounts: CALL